Mar 18, 2024 | BLOG, FRESCO
I took part in a strappo course in Rome, thanks to my QEST Anthony and Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Settlement Scholarship. This, the final part, follows on from my study visit to Naples and Rome and my gold leaf course in Bosa, Sardinia. Strappo is Italian for tear...
Feb 26, 2024 | BLOG, FRESCO
I made a wonderful study visit to Rome and Naples, thanks to a QEST Anthony and Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Settlement Scholarship. Following on from my gold leaf course in Bosa, I took the boat from Sardinia to the mainland and trains to Naples, Pompeii,...
Continuing with my QEST Scholarship, I attended a week long fresco course, l’Art de la Fresque, at the beautiful Abbaye Saint Jacut de la Mer in Brittany, France. This was run by Isabelle Bonzom and Valerie Letombe and hosted by VMSF. There were thirteen participants...
Oct 5, 2022 | BLOG, FRESCO
In 2022, I received a QEST Anthony and Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Settlement Trust Award to gain further training in fresco painting. The first part of this, in June, involved working on a wall. I was keen to get practice in this as I had previously mainly worked on...
Mar 23, 2016 | BLOG, FRESCO
For my latest test fresco, I am doing a figure from Piero della Francesca’s Legend of the True Cross. I chose it because I had a good sized copy of it in a library book. I love his pink outfit and how the folds look so complex. Julia talked me through how to build up...