369 Gallery Remembered

369 Gallery Remembered

I was fortunate to have a studio at the 369 Gallery for four years (1988-92). My first solo show was in the main gallery in 1989 – paintings and monoprints inspired by a year in Madrid on a Spanish Government Scholarship, fosussing on the rose garden in the...
Moving artist’s studio

Moving artist’s studio

In August this year I moved artist’s studio within the same building – WASPS Studios, West Park Place, Edinburgh. I had been in my previous studio for twenty three years! That is a long time to be in an artist’s studio. My years there had been marked by a...
Remembered Rooms

Remembered Rooms

I have painted a series of rooms remembered from my childhood – I lived in four different houses, each with a particular character which still invades my dreams. The paintings started out from a spark of memory, but soon developed into parallel places – rooms of...
My uncle’s exhibition

My uncle’s exhibition

My Uncle Bill has an exhibition at the Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh. William Irvine was born in Scotland and went to Glasgow School of Art. He lived in London as a young artist and then moved to Maine where he has been for the best part of fifty years. This is the...