CURRENT WORK – Improvised Fictions
My current work deals with what I call ‘improvised fictions’. As a child, I liked to invent and I have allowed myself a freer rein to do this by being more playful and taking more risks with surface, scale and composition. Working from observation, memory and invention, I create work that looks as if it has a narrative, but is more about waking dreams.
Themes of confinement and escape show interiors filled with furniture including tables laden with objects, chairs and sofas, chests and lamps. Often there is a window framed by curtains or a mirror reflecting another part of the room or an open doorway; these all provide escape routes. Sometimes there are people in the room – daydreaming or conversing. I am also revisiting themes of formal gardens and have added to this an interest in secret locations that hold a magical fascination for me. Often these are theatrical in nature, translated through stronger use of contrast.
I am interested in pictorial space and how changes of scale and perspective create alternative narratives. In March 2021 I spent a month at Merz, in Sanquhar, Scotland. During this residency I made several large collaged drawings and experimented, for the fist time, with dioramas, making cardboard theatres out of collaged paintings.